Apr 28, 2021 - This presentation describes the psychosocial services of the Provincial Disaster Psychosocial Team that are available to communities during emergencies and disasters. As part of Health Emergency Management BC (Provincial Health Services Authority), this provincial psychosocial resource is comprised of Disaster Psychosocial Services (DPS) and the Mobile Response Team (MRT), enabling it to respond to events through both DPS volunteers as well as MRT team members.
The team has also developed the provincial Mental Health and Wellness Recovery Community Planning and Guidance Toolkit to support communities in the aftermath of large-scale events with significant psychosocial impacts. This is complemented by a range of psychosocial and wellness resources, including training that can be delivered both in-person and virtually.
This presentation will give you an opportunity to learn more about the Provincial Disaster Psychosocial Team, how you can access its different services and resources, as well as to share what you think might be helpful to your community. (EM Webinar 42)