What does a Virtual EOC Look Like
From JIBC EMwebinars
From JIBC EMwebinars
An EOC is a management tool used to build your organization's capacity when struck by a major emergency or disaster. It is based around the notion that bringing people together under a common direction, to communicate, coordinate and collaborate, in addressing critical needs. So how do we do this in a virtual environment? What processes might carry over from a physical EOC? What new practices might be necessary? And what about the role of technology?
Through this collaborative webinar, we draw on current literature and the experiences of those willing to share your successes, tips and challenges. We kick off this webinar by exploring current thoughts and ideas on the use of virtual emergency operation centers, integrate in the challenges and opportunities presented by an activation during COVID-19 isolation, and wrap up with experiences, successes and challenges. Recorded on April 29, 2020. Resources: Webinar 33 Presentation Slides